Cutting Back on Drinking Not Working Out? Me Too. – Ryan’s Naked Life

Ever steal liquor from your parents’ friends? Ryan did. Growing up with a wine-loving mom and a beer-drinking dad, alcohol was as normal as breakfast in his home. By his teens, Ryan’s drinking was already out of control. It became obvious that cutting back on drinking was not working out. Hope finally came in an unexpected place. Read on to see what changed everything for Ryan.

ryan naked life story - cutting back on drinking not working - this naked mind

Normal and Ordinary

Growing up, alcohol was as much a part of our household as the furniture. Mom had her wine, Dad had his beer, and I had a front-row seat to what would become my own complicated relationship with drinking. Looking back now, it’s almost comical how normal it all seemed – like having a drink was as routine as having dinner.

When Cutting Back on Drinking Not Working Out Becomes Your Reality

I was that kid who couldn’t wait to get my hands on alcohol. You know the type – sneaking sips from Dad’s beer when he wasn’t looking. By 11 or 12, my friends and I had graduated to amateur theft, pilfering liquor from people’s home bars. Real classy stuff, right? Our older brothers would occasionally hook us up with beer, probably thinking they were doing us a favor. Spoiler alert: they weren’t.

High school was when things really kicked into high gear. Every weekend was like a bad teen movie, complete with all the cliché drama you’d expect – fights, terrible decisions, and the crown jewel of my poor choices: a DUI on Halloween night. Nothing says “I make great life choices” quite like spending Halloween in a jail cell. You’d think that would’ve been my wake-up call, but nope – I was soon to discover that cutting back on drinking not working was going to become my new normal.

The Failed Experiments of Moderation

Let me tell you about my brilliant strategies for controlling my drinking. I was the king of empty promises: “I’ll only drink on weekends” (lasted until Tuesday), “No drinking before 5 PM” (hello, 4:59), and my personal favorite, “No more than 4 drinks per day” (because who’s counting after number 5 anyway?). With each failed attempt at moderation, the reality of cutting back on drinking not working became harder to ignore.

Then something unexpected happened. I found myself on a Caribbean cruise, armed with a copy of “This Naked Mind.” Talk about ironic – surrounded by unlimited booze packages and poolside cocktails, and there I was, nose buried in a sobriety book. But here’s the thing: I couldn’t put it down. For the first time in my adult life, I felt like I’d been let in on some massive secret. I probably looked like a crazy person, grinning from ear to ear while everyone else was getting their drink on.

Start Reading

Cutting back on drinking not working out for you either? Start reading the book that changed everything for Ryan for free RIGHT NOW!

Finding Freedom Beyond the Bottle

Now, here’s where things get good. These days, my relationship with alcohol is simple – there isn’t one. And let me tell you, it’s like discovering a superpower I didn’t know I had. I’m learning to process my emotions without reaching for a bottle, which is both terrifying and liberating. Sitting with discomfort without trying to fix it immediately? That’s a thing I can do now.

Ryan's Naked Life - cutting back on drinking not working - this naked mind - quote - You're ok. Show yourself some compassion. You were doing the bets you could with the tools you had.

If I could hop in a time machine and tell my younger self one thing, it would be this: “You’re OK, kid. Stop being so hard on yourself. You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got.” But honestly, I needed to go through all of it – the failed attempts at moderation, the embarrassing moments, and yes, even that Halloween in jail – to get where I am now.

The freedom I’ve found isn’t just about not drinking. It’s about discovering who I am without alcohol as a crutch. Every day isn’t perfect, but it’s real. And real, it turns out, is way better than numb. Who knew that facing life head-on could be more exciting than any buzz I chased for all those years?

And to anyone out there who’s experiencing cutting back on drinking not working – I see you. I was you. And let me tell you, there’s hope on the other side of that last “just one drink.” Sometimes, the best things in life start with putting down what we thought we couldn’t live without.

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