How Getting Educated About Alcohol Changed My Life – Brent’s Naked Life
What if everything you thought about alcohol was wrong? Brent’s story begins with family gatherings full of drunken arguments and a grandmother who warned him alcohol was “the devil’s advocate.” Despite those warnings, alcohol became a regular part of his life—especially during the pandemic when every night ended with one too many drinks. After finding This Naked Mind and getting educated about alcohol, Brent completely changed his relationship with drinking. Today, he leads by example, inspiring his family and friends to embrace alcohol-free living.

Despite the Best Intentions
I grew up in a home where alcohol wasn’t a part of life. My parents didn’t drink, and my grandmother used to call alcohol “the devil’s advocate.” She’d warn us about the damage it could do, and honestly, I should have listened to her. I saw the effects of alcohol all around me—my uncles drinking heavily, getting stupid drunk at family get-togethers or while fishing. I remember my dad having to go pick them up from bars or break up fights caused by their drinking. Despite all that, I took up drinking in high school. Back then, it was about parties, keggers, and fitting in. It seemed harmless at first, but over the years, it became a constant part of my life.
How Drinking Became a Habit
I married young, and alcohol quickly became a staple in my weekends and holidays. It was always there—a few beers during the game, wine with dinner, and cocktails at gatherings. Looking back, I can see how alcohol crept into every aspect of my life without me even realizing it. My grandmother lived to be 103 years old. She never smoked or drank and stayed healthy her entire life. Meanwhile, I was filling my body with something she’d warned me about for years. Alcohol didn’t just harm my health—it affected my relationships and my mental well-being, too.
During the pandemic, everything escalated. Stuck at home with nothing to do and liquor stores deemed “essential,” I became my own best bartender. I drank more than I ever had before, every night until I couldn’t remember much. It was a dark time, and I knew it was taking a toll on my health and my relationships. I felt stuck, and for the first time, I realized I needed to make a change.
Getting Educated About Alcohol
About two years ago, I decided to take control. I stumbled across This Naked Mind after googling ways to slow down my drinking. Annie Grace’s book became a lifeline for me. I’d fall asleep listening to it every night, absorbing her insights and wisdom. It opened my eyes to the truth about alcohol—how social media, TV shows, and movies have programmed us to believe that alcohol is the answer to everything. It’s portrayed as the way to relax, celebrate, and find happiness. Even in shows about firefighters, hospitals, and police officers, the characters unwind by drinking. Think about that: people saving lives, celebrating by drinking poison. It’s wild when you see it for what it is.
Start Reading
Getting educated about alcohol starts with This Naked Mind for so many including Brent and millions of others! Begin your education by downloading the first 40 pages of This Naked Mind right now!
Getting educated about alcohol changed everything for me. Annie’s teachings made me realize how deeply these messages had influenced my beliefs. For years, I thought alcohol relaxed me and made life better. In reality, it was doing the opposite—hurting my health, straining my relationships, and clouding my mind.
Life After Alcohol
After about three months of listening to This Naked Mind, I was alcohol-free. And the best part? It wasn’t a struggle. The knowledge I gained made it easy. I’ve now been alcohol-free for two years, and my life has completely transformed. My relationship with my wife of 42 years has never been better. She used to drink wine every night, but seeing my example, she decided to stop as well. She’s thanked me more than once for not pushing her—just leading by example. It warms my heart to know I’ve inspired her and others in my life.
Beyond my relationship, my health has improved dramatically. I sleep better, have more energy, and my bank account looks a lot healthier too! I never realized how much money I was pouring down the drain, literally.
Sharing the Gift of Knowledge
One of the most rewarding parts of my journey has been sharing what I’ve learned with others. I haven’t pushed or preached; I’ve simply shared my story and the knowledge I gained from This Naked Mind. It’s amazing to see the ripple effect. Friends and family members have followed in my footsteps, and they’ve told me how much better their lives are now. Knowing that I’ve helped others find freedom from alcohol is one of the best feelings in the world.
Getting educated about alcohol isn’t just about quitting drinking—it’s about understanding the lies we’ve been sold and reclaiming control over our lives. If I could go back in time, I’d tell my younger self to pick up Annie’s book. It’s never too late to change, but the sooner you do, the better.

Moving Forward with Gratitude
I’m so grateful for this new chapter in my life. I no longer feel trapped by alcohol, and I wake up each day with clarity and purpose. I’ve even started noticing all the ways alcohol is marketed to us, and it’s mind-blowing. From TV shows to social events, it’s everywhere. But now, instead of feeling tempted, I feel empowered. I know the truth, and I’ve seen the incredible benefits of living alcohol-free.
To anyone reading this who’s questioning their relationship with alcohol, my advice is simple: get educated about alcohol. Pick up This Naked Mind, listen to the podcasts, and take the time to learn. Knowledge is power, and once you understand what alcohol really does, you’ll never look at it the same way again.
Thank you, Annie, for giving me the tools to reclaim my life. Here’s to many more years of health, happiness, and freedom!
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Did our books, the app, the podcasts, or another program at This Naked Mind start your journey of getting educated about alcohol and bring you freedom? We want you to share your story here and inspire others on their journey!