How To Tell If You’re An Alcoholic – Gemma’s Naked Life
Have you ever wondered how to tell if you’re an alcoholic? For Gemma, the signs of alcohol dependence were all around her—constant hangovers, reckless decisions, and feeling like any night without a drink was dull. Her drinking escalated after a painful breakup, leaving her a single mom of two young children, seeking comfort in weekend binges. When she stumbled upon The Alcohol Experiment, it opened her eyes to how deeply alcohol controlled her life. Today, she’s over 200 days alcohol-free, healthier, and finally in control of her happiness.
Part of the Family
Growing up, my parents drank a lot. Alcohol was like a third member of our household—it came first, even before us kids. We didn’t have much money, we rarely did anything as a family, and neighbors often looked down on us. I remember feeling like alcohol was always at the top of the priority list, and that left me resenting it early on.
At first, I hated alcohol. It stole my parents’ time, made people loud and unpredictable, and honestly, it scared me. But as a teenager, I started experimenting with drinking. At first, it felt like a solution. Alcohol gave me confidence, made it easier to forget my worries, and helped me feel like I was finally having fun. But the “fun” didn’t come without consequences. I’d end up crying or dealing with brutal hangovers—it was a rollercoaster of emotions that I couldn’t control.
When My Drinking Took Over My Life
Things escalated in my early twenties after my first relationship fell apart. It was abusive, and I was left raising two young kids on my own. To cope, I started drinking more. At first, it was just weekends, but before long, some weekdays crept in too. Up until then, I’d only been an occasional drinker, but now it felt like alcohol had become my crutch.
Over the last 10 years, my drinking spiraled out of control. For the last eight years, I worried about how much I was drinking. And for the last two, I seriously thought about stopping. Alcohol made me reckless. I’d say or do things drunk that I’d never even consider sober. It made me promiscuous, emotional, and argumentative. Eventually, I found myself thinking any night without alcohol was boring. I lost interest in anything that didn’t involve drinking.
I tried to control it. I’d tell myself to stick to one bottle of wine or switch to beer because I didn’t drink it as fast. I’d set rules to only drink on weekends or drink water between glasses of wine. But none of it worked. It was like trying to hold water in my hands—no matter what I did, the drinking always slipped through.
How to Tell If You’re an Alcoholic
One day, I finally hit my breaking point. I’d started to feel like alcohol had completely taken over my life. I turned to Google and typed in the question I’d been avoiding for years: how to tell if you’re an alcoholic. One of the search results was for This Naked Mind, and that’s where my journey to freedom began.
I started by reading the book This Naked Mind. To be honest, I was still drinking for the first half of it. But by the time I finished, something clicked. It wasn’t just about the damage alcohol was doing to my body; it was about how ingrained it is in society—how we’re almost brainwashed into thinking it’s normal, even necessary.

I decided to try Dry January. At first, I was terrified. I didn’t know how I’d survive even one weekend without drinking. But as it turned out, I caught COVID that first week. Being sick actually helped because I wasn’t tempted to drink. Once I got through that first week, I felt determined to keep going. And then, halfway through January, I had my “light bulb moment”—I realized I didn’t need alcohol to be happy.
Breaking Free from Alcohol’s Grip
Halfway through Dry January, I downloaded the This Naked Mind app and started their free 30-day Alcohol Experiment. The videos, articles, journaling prompts, and the supportive community were game-changers for me. They gave me the tools and encouragement I needed to keep going. Now, 239 days later, I can proudly say I’m still alcohol-free—and I feel fantastic.
Start Your Alcohol Experiment
Go on your own Dry January journey with The Alcohol Experiment. It’s free – no cost, no pressure, no guilt, no rules! Start today!
Looking back, I can’t believe how much has changed. My health has improved dramatically. I sleep better, eat better, and my IBS symptoms are gone. I’ve regained my confidence and happiness. I’ve even started exercising daily, and—surprise, surprise—I actually enjoy it! I’m excited about life again and looking forward to all the new experiences I’ll have without alcohol holding me back.
Signs to Look for and Steps to Take
If you’re wondering how to tell if you’re an alcoholic (which I learned is an outdated term – the correct terminology is alcohol use disorder), take a moment to reflect on your relationship with alcohol. Ask yourself:
- Do I rely on alcohol to have fun or relax?
- Do I regret things I’ve done or said while drinking?
- Have I tried to cut back but failed?
- Do I feel like life without alcohol would be boring?
If you’re answering yes to these questions, it’s worth exploring whether alcohol is playing too big a role in your life. For me, taking that first step—Googling how to tell if you’re an alcoholic—was the hardest part. But it was also the most important.
There’s no shame in seeking help. Whether it’s through a book like This Naked Mind, a program like the Alcohol Experiment, or connecting with a supportive community, the resources are out there. You don’t have to figure it all out alone.
A Message to the Old Me

If I could go back in time and tell the old Gemma one thing, it would be this: Don’t be scared to stop. It’s okay to step away from alcohol and discover who you are without it. Life on the other side is better than you could ever imagine.
Share Your Story
Did our books, the app, the podcasts, or another program at This Naked Mind help you find freedom from alcohol on your terms? We want you to share your story here and inspire others on their journey!