My Secret To Finding Peace Without Alcohol – Amanda’s Naked Life

Amanda never imagined she’d want to quit drinking. It was just part of life—until the hangovers, exhaustion, and constant struggle to moderate became too much. Her sister introduced her to This Naked Mind, but she wasn’t ready to hear it. A year later, she finally listened to the audiobook and found herself crying on long walks with her dog, realizing she couldn’t keep drinking. That’s when she started finding peace without alcohol and saw just how much she had been missing.

finding peace without alcohol - Amanda's Naked Life - Caucasian woman walking a golden retriever on a dock - Copyright © 2025 This Naked Mind. This material is original content and is protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this content will be met with legal action.

Peace Before Alcohol Entered My Life

I never really thought much about alcohol when I was growing up. My parents didn’t drink, and it just wasn’t a big part of my world. But when I got to college? That was a different story.

From the first sip, alcohol felt like magic. It made everything more fun—or at least, that’s what I believed. Nights out, social events, even the most mundane gatherings suddenly seemed brighter, wilder, and more exciting. I loved it. I never questioned it. Drinking was just what you did.

The Hangover I Couldn’t Escape

Of course, there was a price to pay. My goal was always to avoid a hangover. I failed all the time. I tried water between drinks, greasy food at the end of the night, every so-called “cure” under the sun. But no matter what, the next morning always found me feeling miserable, exhausted, and filled with regret.

My sister saw it before I did. She told me about a book called This Naked Mind and mentioned she was thinking about quitting drinking altogether because moderation wasn’t working. I didn’t even want to know the name of the book. The idea of quitting? That was unthinkable. I couldn’t imagine a life without alcohol.

And yet… something about what she said stuck with me.

A year later, that same book found its way back in front of me. This time, I listened. Literally—I downloaded the audiobook and took it with me on walks with my newly adopted dog. I walked, and I listened, and I cried. A lot. Deep down, I knew the breakup was inevitable.

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Does finding peace without alcohol in your life seem like an impossible dream? Start reading This Naked Mind for free right now and claim the peace you deserve!

Breaking Up with Booze

This Naked Mind changed everything for me. It wasn’t just another “quit drinking” book—it was like someone had peeked inside my brain and laid out all the reasons why I kept drinking, even when I didn’t want to.

That book sent me on a deep dive. I devoured other quit lit books and listened to countless podcasts. But I always came back to This Naked Mind. It was my saving grace. The thing that made me see alcohol for what it really was—not a magical potion, not a necessity for fun, but something that was quietly robbing me of a better life.

Now, as I sit here drinking coffee from my favorite mug that reads Hangover Free Coffee, I still feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Because I found my way out.

Finding Peace Without Alcohol

I never realized how much drinking had taken from me. The time, the energy, the confidence. The ability to wake up feeling good, clear-headed, and ready for the day. The chance to truly know myself—not the version of me blurred by alcohol, but the real me. And now, in my forties, I’m finally getting to meet her.

Life looks completely different now. It’s not always easy. There are moments when I wish I could go back and do things over, armed with what I know now. But I wouldn’t trade the peace I’ve found for anything. Because finding peace without alcohol has been the biggest, most beautiful transformation of my life.

I get it now—why I was so drawn to those “sober mom” social media accounts years before I even thought about quitting. Something in me knew. Something in me was already searching for a way out.

The Shame Spiral (And How I Got Out)

One of the hardest parts of quitting was facing the shame. That little voice that whispered, You should have figured this out sooner. You should have had more control. What’s wrong with you?

And then, one morning during my devotional time, something clicked. I remembered something I’d once heard: The very first emotion that Satan introduced into the world was shame. When Adam and Eve realized they were naked, what did they feel? Shame.

It struck me—this has been around since the beginning of time. It’s no wonder so many of us get caught in that spiral. Shame keeps people stuck. It tells us we’re alone. That we’re too far gone. That we’ve messed up too badly to change.

But here’s the truth: There is peace beyond the shame. And for me, that peace came when I finally stopped drinking.

Lasting Change Does not Come From Fear, Guilt, Shame, Ultimatums
Copyright © 2025 This Naked Mind. This material is original content and is protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this content will be met with legal action.

Living Alcohol-Free (And Loving It)

These days, I’m still learning. Still growing. Still uncovering new layers of who I am without alcohol in the mix. I’m a sponge, soaking up everything I can about this new, better life. And I have no desire to go back.

I spent years chasing the “fun” of drinking, only to wake up feeling exhausted and guilty. Now, I wake up with clarity. With energy. With peace. And let me tell you, finding peace without alcohol is so much better than any drink I ever had.

So if you’re questioning it—if you’re wondering whether you might feel better, live better, be better without alcohol—listen to that little voice. Because it’s not just a passing thought. It’s you, deep down, knowing there’s something better waiting for you.

And I promise—it’s worth it.

Finding peace without alcohol quote - Shame has been here since the beginning of time. There is peace beyond. Copyright © 2025 This Naked Mind. This material is original content and is protected by international copyright laws. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this content will be met with legal action.

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